BetterIt Workplace Chaplains

Your Partner for Employee Wellness

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Prayer for the Workplace
Heavenly Father, Thank You for the job You have given me. For the opportunity to represent You to all those I work with today. May I be sen...
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Prayer for the Workplace
Heavenly Father, Thank You for the job You have given me. For the opportunity to represent You to all those I work...
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The Ear of Jesus
Mobilizing God-Made Chaplains into the Workplace! We are familiar with the idea that the Church has been provided with a healthy mix of gif...
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The Ear of Jesus
Mobilizing God-Made Chaplains into the Workplace! We are familiar with the idea that the Church has been provided ...
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BetterIt Workplace Chaplains: A New Era of Employee Wellness
A behind-the-scenes look at the rebrand of Corporate Chaplains Canada to BetterIt Workplace Chaplains! Jonathan Kraft walks through the process ...
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BetterIt Workplace Chaplains: A New Era of Employee Wellness
A behind-the-scenes look at the rebrand of Corporate Chaplains Canada to BetterIt Workplace Chaplains! Jonathan Kraft w...

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Beyond the Mistletoe


HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! Brighten your home with this exclusive Cat Nativity Creche!     

“With mice standing in for sheep, this 13 piece set includes a stable with star, 3-wisecats, a shepherd, an angel cat with wings and a halo plus an adorable feline holy family. Each cat is sweet faced, hand painted and finely detailed ...”

So reads the Holiday Catalogue delivered to my door this morning, coincidently, just as I was pondering what I could possibly write about Christmas 2021 that had not already been written over the last 2,020 years.

But PTL, here it is! Delivered out of the blue, from an unknown but clearly savvy marketing director who knows what truly tugs at the heartstrings and wallet of those who by gosh and golly want it to be all about mistletoe and holly and, of course, a cute cat creche to remind us, cautiously, of the backstory.

Yes, methinks, coincidence my foot. This nativity scene is not simply a cutesy caricature of the meaning of Christmas but a foggy reflection of what once was known to be true somewhere in the mists of time, but is now, for many, simply a fable from the stable, a child’s fantasy - cute, hopeful, but unlikely to be true.

After all, who can without a reasonable doubt, believe that God, very God, actually exited HIS throne room in heaven and descended to the squalor of a fallen planet, disrobing all the way, to be fully incarnated as a shivering vulnerable infant, expelled from the warm cocoon of a teenagers unopened womb into the chill of the night and then swaddled in dusty clothes in a dank dark stable and deposited in a food trough as a first stop on His way to the ignominy of death on Cross!

No Crying He Makes?

The old refrain, “the little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes” is a mockery, ludicrous and oh so short-sighted.

The sweet mewing of a new-born kitten is the promise of a hearty Meow when the cat comes of age. But the certain and infantile cry of then baby Jesus, is truly the first cry of a soon to be lion enraged by the perversion of His will for His beloved creation, and creatures.

I think the crying of the child in the manger that night was Jesus’ desperate piercing cry as of night terrors emanating from the spectre of abandonment and rejection by Creator and creation alike, which was to be this child’s all-too-real fate some 33 years later.

Christmas is not all and only about green mistletoe, warmed red wine, tasty pastries, and sweet fluffy calico cats.

It is, I believe, about two puzzling and paradoxical truths. 

  1. A declaration of Divine unconditional love for each and every one.
  2. A declaration of Divine war on any and all forces that would dare to rend creation itself and the unity of all humankind from the Trinity - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Christmas can be, and perhaps to some extent should be, a magical time for children in the expectation of gifts and joyful family gatherings.

But for us adults, there is no magic in it. It is all miracle, and real, in the certain hope, and promise, of the unearned gift of salvation and the consequent eternal celebratory gathering of the family of God.

What a gift, this Christ in a manger, in a barn, in the city of bread. 

Real food. Real drink. Real life.

Merry Christmas indeed!

Terry Mahoney is a Chaplain with Corporate Chaplains. To read more blog posts from our Chaplains, you can visit our Corportate Chaplains page.


Workplace Chaplaincy

BetterIt Workplace Chaplains provides a face-to-face approach to developing holistically healthy employees. Every employee interaction in an opportunity for personal, spiritual, and professional growth--resulting in healthier, more productive, and flourishing workplaces. 

Workplace Chaplaincy

BetterIt Workplace Chaplains provides a face-to-face approach to developing holistically healthy employees. Every employee interaction in an opportunity for personal, spiritual, and professional growth--resulting in healthier, more productive, and flourishing workplaces. 

Our Chaplains

Meet our Chaplains! Our professional Chaplains provide stability and strength to employees, working with them to increase their capacity and resiliency in the face of external stressors and future shocks. Our Chaplains interact through coaching conversations and they connect Canadian workers to resources available in their community, to ensure they get the support they need. 

Our Chaplains

Meet our Chaplains! Our professional Chaplains provide stability and strength to employees, working with them to increase their capacity and resiliency in the face of external stressors and future shocks. Our Chaplains interact through coaching conversations and they connect Canadian workers to resources available in their community, to ensure they get the support they need. 

Chaplain Stories

Please enjoy this collection of stories from our Chaplains.

Chaplain Stories

Please enjoy this collection of stories from our Chaplains.


This collection features articles from our Chaplains, as they explore topics and ideas including: spiritual reflections, holiday reflections, and topics of interest. 


This collection features articles from our Chaplains, as they explore topics and ideas including: spiritual reflections, holiday reflections, and topics of interest.